Some more recent additions to the Coast of Light series, from Andalucia. This is an edit from a set taken in August 2013.
Some more recent additions to the Coast of Light series, from Andalucia. This is an edit from a set taken in August 2013.
This gallery contains 1 photo.
Cádiz, 30.10.13 – from the Coast of Light series
The Coast of Light series.
Some more images from the Coast of Light series, Andalucia. All images Cadiz, except lower left, which is Tarifa Harbour looking towards North Africa.
A few more shots from Andalucia, August 2011, with a couple slipped in from the Semana Santa, or Holy Week.
Some additions to the Coast of Light series I started a couple of years ago. Taken with my Fuji 6×4.5cm, the films and lo res scans arrived this morning. I quite like them as they are, as the colour is slightly muted, but I will make high res scans when time allows.