Gardeners’ Hands

In December 2008 I started a project which evolved into set of images called 43 Gardeners’ Hands. This was exhibited at Kew through the summer of 2009. Four more photographs were taken just after the exhibition deadline, and as a result were never exhibited. So, clockwise from top left: Dan Hinckley, Tim Richardson, Rosemary Alexander and Will Giles.

Gardeners' hands, Dan Hinckley, Rosemary Alexander, Tim Richardson, Will Giles

Gardeners' hands, clockwise from top left: Dan Hinckley, Tim Richardson, Rosemary Alexander and Will Giles

Land Girls

With the impending GMG event on Wednesday, I am putting up five more portraits from the Land Girls series this week. In no particular order, Maddy Harland, editor of Permaculture and advocate of greener living – Juliet Roberts, editor of Gardens Illustrated –  Lia Leendertz, journalist, author and blogger – Anne Wareham, AKA the Bad Tempered Gardener,  journalist and author –  Alys Fowler, presenter, journalist, author and advocate of greener living.


Juliet Roberts

Juliet Roberts


Lia Leendertz

Lia Leendertz


Anne Wareham

Anne Wareham


Alys Fowler

Alys Fowler

Maddy Harland

Maddy Harland


Land Girls

Four more portraits from the Land Girls series from autumn 2010 and summer 2011.

Anna Pavord

Anna Pavord, garden journalist and author

Camilla Phelps, journalist, Tamsin Hope-Thomson and Kate Bradbury, garden journalists and researchers at the BBC allotment, White City

Camilla Phelps, journalist, Tamsin Hope-Thomson and Kate Bradbury, garden journalists and researchers - at the BBC allotment, White City

Veronica Peerless, journalist and deputy editor Which? Gardening

Veronica Peerless, journalist and deputy editor Which? Gardening

Sally Nex, journalist

Sally Nex, journalist

Urban and Guerrilla gardening

A gallery of a few folk I have photographed over the last 18 months. Guerrilla gardeners, urban gardeners and plot holders.

Michael - allotment holder

Michael - allotment holder

Sarah - designer and urban garden volunteer

Sarah - designer and urban garden volunteer

Anna - gardener and urban garden volunteer

Anna - gardener and urban garden volunteer

Heather - Landscape architect, urban gardener/ environmentalist

Heather - Landscape architect, urban gardener/ environmentalist

Jason with his 1959 El Camino urban garden

Jason with his 1959 El Camino urban garden

Les - working on the restoration of the grounds and landscaping at Fulham Palace

Les - working on the restoration of the grounds and landscaping at Fulham Palace

Lewis - urban garden volunteer and organiser

Lewis - urban garden volunteer and organiser

Richard Reynolds - guerrilla gardener with his Austin Maxi

Richard Reynolds - guerrilla gardener with his Austin Maxi

Stephen - garden volunteer

Stephen - garden volunteer

Nate - guerrilla gardener

Nate - guerrilla gardener