For the best part of 18 months I’ve been stomping all over Lila Das Gupta’s garden, leaving size nine footprints all over her carefully prepared borders and raised beds – all in the name of art! Or at least tasteful photography!
In her Gardeners’ World blog posting from 23rd July, Lila kindly says she has been inspired whilst watching me work – obviously forgetting the horticultural casualties along the way! It’s interesting when you work with someone in a professional capacity how quickly you pick up tricks and ideas from their field of expertise. Although not green fingered, I now have a lot more gardening confidence and will be looking at my patch in a new way next year, when it is completely redesigned and replanted……. but Lila, as yet, I still don’t sieve my compost!
So, a quick reminder that Jason Ingram and I will be running our second course on garden photography on 26th September 2010, at the Royal Photographic Society in Bath. It’s aimed at people who have a basic photographic knowledge and preferably have an SLR camera. (See the posting on the previous course.) This will be followed next year by four seasonal courses, at the beautiful garden at Mill Dene in the Cotswolds. These are also with the Royal Photographic Society and details will be posted on their site in the very near future.