Land Girls

During the  autumn of 2010 I started photographing a few people I knew for a personal project, initially inspired by a Land Girls poster from WW2. Like the Gardeners’ Hands project from a couple of years ago, it gathered momentum, slowly at first, but by word of mouth it has grown from the original six portraits taken last year, to a surprising 30 portraits. And I only seem to have scratched the surface!

Not a literal interpretation of the original poster, the connection with everyone is that they grow edible plants or plants for cropping in some form – whether in a few pots on a balcony, in an allotment or in a vast garden and who are actively involved in writing, blogging, broadcasting or campaigning.

I plan to put up some of the images on the blog, maybe on a weekly or fortnightly basis, now I have a wide selection of folk. So a few recent portraits, in no particular order!

Beth Chatto, author and one of the UK's most respected plantswomen.

Beth Chatto, author and one of the UK's most respected plantswomen.

Jekka McVicar, plantswoman, organic expert and author, in her herb nursery

Jekka McVicar, plantswoman, organic expert and author, in her herb nursery

Alice Bowe, garden designer and author, making a start on her new veg plot.

Alice Bowe, garden designer and author, making a start on her new veg plot.

Helen Babbs, author, on her balcony in Central London

Helen Babbs, author, on her balcony in Central London