60 minutes – Barry Island, 1980.

Wheels at Barry Island train scrapyard, 1980

Wheels at Barry Island train scrapyard, 1980


Typ 3862 locomotive at Barry Island train scrapyard, 1980

Typ 3862 locomotive at Barry Island train scrapyard, 1980

60 minutes – Barry Island, 1980.

I saw a blog post about Barry Island last year. In South Wales, it was home of the largest train scrapyard in the UK. Curiosity led to search through some ancient ring binders containing 35mm slides taken as a student. I found a small set of images from a walk, probably in 1980. This made me 19 years old. Yikes! On the side of one of the trains was a hand painted note, “Do not remove parts – for Plym Valley Railway”. I would love to know if the Plym Valley Railway ever took delivery of this locomotive..and if, in the intervening 32 years, it was ever restored.

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